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Development of diagnostics systems for living animals and for post - mortem control of contagious and non - contagious animal deseases for production of biologically safe foods

Diagnostics systems
     Contact person
USHA, Boris ()
[email protected]
Telephone: 277-03-24
Fax: 277-03-24
Project proposal
Title:  Development of diagnostics systems for living animals and for post - mortem control of contagious and non - contagious animal deseases for production of biologically safe foods

Type Details: In connection with appearance of new factors of risk consumers place greater demand for safe and healthy foods. Safe food is a serious and urgent problem facing the scientists of veterinary medicine. Industrialization of proressing of feed for animals has greatly increased the danger of its chemical and microbiological contamination that endangers health of animals and humans consuming products of animal origin. Problems with diorine salts of heavy metals, pesticides, micotoxins, radionuclides, ets. are still actual. Zoonoses connected with contamination of feed with listeria, salmonella, campilobacteria, toxoplasms and toxin - forming bacteria of E. coli type become ever more significant. Therefore need of integrated control of foods, beginning with production of feed for animals, its growing, as well as veterinary - sanitary examination in the slaughter - houses when processing and distributing meat products, are the basic requirements to meet all the present conceptions of control. Breeding grounds of dangerous infectious deseases common for humans and animals (zooantroponoses, Siberian ulcer, rabies, tuberculosis, brucellosis, spongy encephalopatia, trichinelles, measles, etc.) are still risky for humans. Use of genetically modified products of animal and microbial origin requires detailed investigation. Therefore the need of development of diagnostics systems for living animals and for post - mortem control of contagious and non - contagious animal deseases is of great scientific and production value. It is extremely actual too. Creation of a system of biological safety based on reveal of critical control points, development of apparatus for express - diagnostics, processing and transferring information about epizootic siuation with due regard to the risks, taking effective preventive measures, disinfection, fumigation, decontamination, as well as creation of the system for monitoring of biological safety at all the stages of the production chain will serve the main criteria for obtaining of biologically safe foods.

FP-Acronym (-s): FP6-FOOD
FP-Instruments: any other
Research interest:  The definition of food products’ value, rate of consumption, bioaccessibility and digestion of genetically modified products of animal origin.
Expiry Date: 0000-00-00
     Target Partner
Expertise:  Biologically safe foods
Country: France, Republic de Koria
     Organisation Details
Address: 109316 ul. Talalikhina, 33 Moscow
Number of Employees:  720 -750
Details: MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY (MSUAB), nowadays, is a prestigious large educational, scientific, methodical and educational-productive centre of the Russian Federation in the field of applied biotechnology and engineering, food chemistry, biological safety and veterinary and sanitary examination of the raw material of animal origin, production of infant, special and functional food, multicomponent products design, production technologies and package design, refrigirating engineering and technology, economics, management and marketing.
Keywords: diagnostics systems, biologically safe foods, genetically modified products of animal
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