Потенциальные партнеры Food NCP of Russia

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A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry Russian Academy of Science

Regulation of cholesterol metabolism by natural food ingredients.

     Contact person
MALYGIN, Alexander (D.Sci., Leading scientist)
A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry Russian Academy of Science
[email protected]
Telephone: +7(095)-954-52-83
Fax: +7(095)-954-27-32
Project proposal
Title:  Regulation of cholesterol metabolism by natural food ingredients.

Type Detalis: The "statine" medicines are used now to reduce level of cholesterol biosynthesis in organism. But there are natural analogs of active fragments of "statine" molecules in some kind of food. The aim of the proposed project is to study the action of these natural analogs on the cholesterol metabolism in two forms: a pure form and as a natural food ingredient. The two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins in polyacrylamide gel will be used to measure biosynthesis of cholesterol metabolism enzymes in rat liver. The original device construction for serial two- dimensional analysis and high reproducible silver stain method to develop protein spots in gel will be used.

FP-Acronym (-s): FP6-FOOD
FP-Instruments: any other
Research interest:  Nutrient metabolismRegulation of cholesterol enzyme biosynthesis by cholesterol precursors and their analogs containing in food. Research of structural correlation in metabolic network and creation of metabolic charts. Construction of two-dimensional electrophoresis devices and optimization of silver staining of protein spots in gels for proteomics researches.Functional proteomics methods: two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins in polyacrylamide gel, analysis of metabolic network. Approaches: effective control of food composition to stimulate cholesterol biosynthesis and regulation of cholesterol metabolism level by food diet only without using of any medicinesMetabolism, molecular structure and function, methods and devices for the functional proteomics researches, phyllotaxis, morphogenesis, stereo-visual effects.
Expiry Date: 0000-00-00
     Target Partner
     Organisation Details
Name:  A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry Russian Academy of Science
Address: 119071 33 Leninsky prospect Moscow RUSSIA
Type: RES
Number of Employees:  100 -200
Details: Metabolism, molecular structure and function, methods and devices for the functional proteomics researches, phyllotaxis, morphogenesis, stereo-visual effects.
Keywords: Metabolism; proteomics; two-dimensional electrophoresis; food; cholesterol; regulation; morphogenesis
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